Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Best Band Ever and we haven't even heard the music

So, it decided then – Gay For Johnny Depp is the best band name of all time. Most band names are awful until you hear the music and take on lots of connotations. Obviously some names – Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, for example – are so bad that even the biggest fan can’t divorce the words from the music, but some, like Gay For Johnny Depp are so good you don’t even need to hear a note to be a fan. Any suggestions of a better band name in the comments box if you dare.

Source Video Diary #3

The Flesh Happening just released their video for last years single Waste. One would have expected more bodily fluids, but maybe we should be grateful their debut is such a tasteful affair:


In my defense....

"Just a reminder that if anyone fancies a rant...."

Well, I do. Just a little one.

A couple of times this weekend I got asked "What the f*** is that Rasta piece all about? Are you taking the piss?"
(is it fair to * an f and not a p? a discussion for another day perhaps).

Firstly, no. Secondly, I didn't submit that particular title. Thirdly, I'm sure that whoever chose the title Brighton Babylon didn't count on it being misinterperetted as a direct reference to those pictured. Fourthly, when critiquing articles it's traditional to read them, as opposed to judging it by the title and photos. Fifthly, can we all just stay friends and forget this happened? I think it's what the Big Jah Man would want.

There, all done. Sorry x

SOURCE TV: Fujiya & Miyagi

If you were wondering why we put F&M on the cover - even though they were on two years ago - then check out this killer Gondry-inspired video for thier best song, Ankle Injuries:

Oh my god, have you seen the amazing new Bat For Lashes video

Just brilliant - great song too.

sourcey work experience

hahaha...i'm doing work experince at source as a sub.
now i'm fairly new to brihton and working at source is awesome, i now know a lot of bands i didn't know existed before (the bobby mcgee's, guillotine, blood red shoes) and working for The Kendall is good as he seems to know everything...i have considered poisoning the current sub so i can steal his job.

however,i have been to many a gig in the city...some bands who are not yet mentioned in source that i have seen and can appreciate are: INVISIBLE JIM, i used to hate ska till i saw them...they are spot on. they are partly in redhill or some such surrey place but a few of them are in brighton and work at fidlers elbow so after listening to them on myspace you should stalk them down for an ep as it's well worth a listen.

also playing with them that night were bad sandwhich and swervin' merv who were (surprisingly) good, that's not to discredit them at all just that it's not what i would normally listen to...

if you're after some funk (though i'm not sure many source readers are) there's edd meme and the forms (or something like that) they usually play at jooglebury or casablancas, they are lovely and even gave me a lift home when i was stranded/drunk after their gig, what nice chaps.

there's also a man down my road who is in a band (there's probably at least ten men down my road in a band but i talk to this one...i don't know why though as he's a bit of a cunt) anyway, his band is called my fabric and they are heavily influenced by mr buckley. they sound suspiciously indie (or maybe just, heard it all before) for me but they are doing really well so obviously doing something (or maybe someone) right.
the actual sub only comes in for a few days a month apparently, and i met him for the first time today. it was a wee bit funny as he also subs for the magazine 'rocks' and he called a woman prostitute 'ageing' and she has threatened to sue. the thing is, she's in her fifties... is that not ageing? i'm 20 and am ageing...if she has found a miracle way to stop my beer belly enlarging (although the oestrogen in beer makes your boobs grow...hence moobs) and the dark circles under my eyes from getting worse with age then i hope she lets me know, but from what i undersand, she has not.
anyway. because the real sub has come in i am on a shitty computer that doesn't have word or anything else basic or useful...so i'm writing a blog. i'm a blog virgin and a tad bored so please excuse the rambles...