Tuesday, 10 July 2007

In my defense....

"Just a reminder that if anyone fancies a rant...."

Well, I do. Just a little one.

A couple of times this weekend I got asked "What the f*** is that Rasta piece all about? Are you taking the piss?"
(is it fair to * an f and not a p? a discussion for another day perhaps).

Firstly, no. Secondly, I didn't submit that particular title. Thirdly, I'm sure that whoever chose the title Brighton Babylon didn't count on it being misinterperetted as a direct reference to those pictured. Fourthly, when critiquing articles it's traditional to read them, as opposed to judging it by the title and photos. Fifthly, can we all just stay friends and forget this happened? I think it's what the Big Jah Man would want.

There, all done. Sorry x


Meatbreak said...

Hahaha. I'm glad you brought that up. I read it. Twice, just to see if I had read it right the first time. No ****s here: What the fuck was that about? It's always nice to give religions a bit of press space; even in a couple of hundred words they always manage to undermine themselves, the base of their belief system and never fail to impress through sheer bigoted idiocy. Nothing personal, it's not the individuals' fault of course - something organised religion is all too quick and capable of capitalising on - tailoring aspects to suit individuals requirements to make their illogical dogma more appealing - which is why no two members of the same religion ever share the same views. Ludicrous. And to think none of them ever seem to notice. If I had a Source to hand I'd be quoting some of the complete shit those guys spouted, and I'm guessing there was plenty more solid gold (and green and black, yeh?) where that came from. What was my favourite bit? Rasta man isn't shouting down gays, just the political/social system that allows them to flourish. What? The exact same system that allows marginal belief systems and their practices to flourish? That allows you to actually print your condemnations, and publish the music and books that go with it? Oh man, have I had time to say don't get me started yet? I'm not even warmed up.

SOURCE said...

not really the point i was trying to make, probably best that we leave it at that.

Meatbreak said...

Oh, right.

SOURCE said...

we made a big mistake in the office and all confused the meaning of Babylon. We all thought it meant heaven, not hell. No offense was meant.
sorry for any trouble we go you into Russ.
