Wednesday, 7 November 2007

New Biggest Selling US Solo Star Announced

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Have a guess who the biggest selling American solo artist is. No, not Elvis. No. not Madonna, Dylan, Neil Young or even Jason Falkner. Apparently, with sales of 123 million units (now ahead of Elvis' 118.5 million record/CDs/tapes etc) it’s…

…Garth Brooks.

Now, I consider myself to know a reasonable amount about music (I’m getting a consistent 75% on the excellent new Guardian daily music quiz) but I couldn’t tell you a single song of his. No wonder British bands fail to break America – we have completely different music taste. The only album of Garth’s that bombed was the one where he had a goth haircut instead of a cowboy hat. There’s a chance that he could top The Beatles, who have clocked up 170 million sales and are currently the top selling band in the US. That Macca dyes his hair so obviously could be a problem - what if they mistake him for a goth and stop buying the records. Garth would be a shoe-in.

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